在 10月份召开的重庆市个体私营经济工作会议上,中共重庆市委书记张德邻讲话强调指出:"在社会主义初级阶段,加快个体私营经济发展,对于繁荣整个国民经济有着特殊的积极作用,尤其是象重庆这样一个担负着艰巨历史使命,而且公有制经济比重高,经济发展较为落后的直辖市来说,更有其重大的现实意义。我们一定要从全局和战略的高度,充分认识加快我市个体私营经济发展的极端重要性和紧迫性。"
At the meeting on Chongqing's Privately-owned Economy held in October, Secretary Zhang Deling recalled first in his speech the achievements Chongqing had made in developing privately-owned economy in the past two decades since the reform and opening started. Then, he pointed out the importance and necessity of speeding up the development of privately-owned businesses, and presented the guiding theory and basic patterns. He called on those present at the meeting to further emancipate the mind, relax policies, grasp the opportunity, help the excellent and the stronger, with market as the guidance, efforts should be made especially on 'five combinations' to create nice environment for individual-owned economy to develop.
The World & Chongqing