在过去一年中,重庆科技战线l硕果累累。这是近期召开的全市科技工作会上总结得出的结论。据悉,去年重庆直辖后,市科技管理部门根据市里统一部署,紧紧围绕"发展"、"富民"宗旨,在老工业基地改造、库区移民开发、农村人口脱贫这三大攻坚战中,全面实施了"科教兴渝"的战略,因而取得了成效。 1 997年,重庆市科委新上各类科技项目499项,其中重点项目168项。重点项目中,
Under the guidance of the principle of'development and people's bettering-off',the departments of science and technology in chongqing has put more efforts in developing science and technology in the past year.They have tried to converted scientific and technological results into production,and have made outstanding achievements in vigorating. Chongqing by means of science and education.In this report,a number of rtatistics are given,which show the chief convertions in both industry and agriculture,This will help one to have a general idea of Chongqing's circle of science and technology.
The World & Chongqing