Recently, the Municipal Party Committee and theMunicipal Government of Chongqing have helda meeting, and they have decided to base the wholemunicipality's economic development on exploitation,ignition and invigoration of the districts' and coun-ties' economy. At the meeting, the conception aboutthe distrits and counties' economic development wasclearly formed. and a series of new acts were made.The new acts involve emancipation of the mind,renewal of the ideology, insistence on market orien-tation, development of characteristic economy, down-ward transferring of power, increasing ability of thedistricts and counties to handle local economy com-prehcnsively, policy perfection, optimiation of envi-ronment for the districts干and counties' economic de-velopment, diversification of guidance according tothe local conditions, and function alteration of gov-ernmental departments at various levels to providebetter services for the districts and counties.
The World & Chongqing