In conversion of the integrated slant column amount of atmospheric ozone(O_3)measured by the ground-based spectrometer technique during twilight to the vertical quantity,the air-mass factor(AMF)is an important parameter.In this work,calculations of AMF for ozone were performed for different atmospheres.It is shown that the O_3 AMF has seasonal variations with the minimum at the beginning of spring and the maximum in summer due to the seasonal change in the vertical distributions of O_3.A parameterization relation is obtained between O_3 AMF and optical thickness of stratospheric volcanic aerosols based on the Monte-Carlo radiative transfer simulations.
In conversion of the integrated slant column amount of atmospheric ozone(O_3)measured by the ground-based spectrometer technique during twilight to the vertical quantity,the air-mass factor(AMF)is an important parameter.In this work,calculations of AMF for ozone were performed for different atmospheres.It is shown that the O_3 AMF has seasonal variations with the minimum at the beginning of spring and the maximum in summer due to the seasonal change in the vertical distributions of O_3.A parameterization relation is obtained between O_3 AMF and optical thickness of stratospheric volcanic aerosols based on the Monte-Carlo radiative transfer simulations.