From Dec 1988 to Feb 1996, 113 dead cases of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were revciewed. Hospital AMI fatality rated 14 .5%. The causes of death were analyged and divided into 4 groups: ① Pump failure (52. 5% ) including heart failure and cardiac shock. ② Cardiac arrest (36. 3 % )including primary and seeondary ventricular fibrillation (VF), ventricnlar standstill and arrest of unknown cause. ③Cardiac rupture (6. 2% ) including rupture of ventrianlar Wall, septurn and papillary muscles. ④ Noncardiac causes including suffocation, respiratory failure, cerrebral embolisn and cerebral hemorrhage. On our study, we found incidence of pump failure was much higher than that of the others. Itprobably dued to the aged, large area of AMI, decline of cardiac arest and omission of carcliac rupture. VF was in the majority of cardiac arrest. Its death was detdmined by the category of Vf and wether defibrillation on time or not.
South China Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases