To investigate a safe, time-saving method of perfusion during surgery for thoracic aneurysms. Methods: Three patients of thoracic aneurysm have been operated utilizing continuous retrograde perfusion via the superior vena cave (SVC) during deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA). Two patients underwent Bentall operation;One underwent replacement of aortic arch and descending aorta. The circuit for retrograde perfusion through the SVC,the driving pressure and the blood flow, the oxygen content in the perfused blood and returned blood, pupillary respones,and duration of awaking were evaluated. Results: The retrograde perfusion duration was ranged from 36 ~ 68 minutes;The oxygen content gradient between the perfused blood and returned blood varied from 28. 8 ~ 59. 3ml/L; Platycoria with diameter 4 ~ 10mm; The first two patients awakened within 4h 15min and 2h 35min respectively , and were discharged at the 24th and 10th day after operations with no operative complication. The third patient died of intractable ventricular arrhythmia and low cardial output symdrome at first operative day in ICU. Conclusion: Retrograde perfusion via the SVC will maintain cerebral oxygenation necessarily, improve cere bral protection during DHCA. This method extends the 'safe'time for hypothermic circulatory arrest, meanwhile offers advantage for some types of thoracic aneurysm, particularly in aortic arch operation.
South China Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases
Retrograde perfusion via the superior vena cava Thoracic aneurysm Deep hypothermia circulatory arrest