The present is aimed at the effects of electro-acupuncture (EA) on endogenous opioidpeptides’ (EPOs) contents in the aged rat brain and pituitary in order to further expound the anti-ag-ing mechanism of acupuncture. The results show that the 5-endorphin (5-EP) contents in the aged rathypothalamus and pituitary are significantly higher than those in the young rats and lower in hippocampus, and leuenkephalin (LEK) levels are also higher in the aged rat hippocampus and striatumthan those in the young rats. In the aged rats that received the EA stimulations, the β-EP contents inthe hypothalamus, pituitary, and the LEK level in the striatum are decreased sigrijficantly and the β-EP contents is increased in the hippocampus, The results suggest that the aging delaying effects ofacupuncture may be reached partly through modifying the age-related changes of EOPs’ secretion inthe rat brain and pituitary.
The present is aimed at the effects of electro-acupuncture (EA) on endogenous opioidpeptides' (EPOs) contents in the aged rat brain and pituitary in order to further expound the anti-ag-ing mechanism of acupuncture. The results show that the 5-endorphin (5-EP) contents in the aged rathypothalamus and pituitary are significantly higher than those in the young rats and lower in hippocampus, and leuenkephalin (LEK) levels are also higher in the aged rat hippocampus and striatumthan those in the young rats. In the aged rats that received the EA stimulations, the β-EP contents inthe hypothalamus, pituitary, and the LEK level in the striatum are decreased sigrijficantly and the β-EP contents is increased in the hippocampus, The results suggest that the aging delaying effects ofacupuncture may be reached partly through modifying the age-related changes of EOPs' secretion inthe rat brain and pituitary.