
论清代海疆边塞诗 被引量:1

On poetic creation at inland frontier as well as at coastal and offshore frontier during the Qing Dynasty
摘要 长期以来,边塞诗仅以历代王朝陆地边境内外作为表现的主要地域,清中叶以来,随着外国列强侵略威胁的加剧和海疆边塞军民的奋起抗战,海疆边塞诗创作掀起高潮。本文论述了自鸦片战争至甲午战争期间海疆边塞诗的发展变化。并从作者队伍的扩大、内容题材的深化、艺术手法的创新三个方面阐述了清代海疆边塞诗的时代特色和艺术成就;着力阐述这些诗歌忠君意识的淡化、爱国思想的飞跃、悲愤风格的形成、客观叙述的偏重、长篇古体和大型组诗的运用等值得重视的特点。 For a long time. frontier poetic creation had been limited chiefly to inland frontier poetry of the past dynasties. With the intensification of border invasions by foreign big powers and the ever-increasing military and civilian resistance against them since the midQing Dynasty, especially during the Sino-British Opium Wars and the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, there had been an upsurge in coastal and off shore frontier poetic creation. This paper expounds the characteristics of times and the artistic attainments of poetic creation at inland frontier as well as at coastal and off shore frontier during the Qing Dynasty in three aspects, namely, the increase in number of poets. the deepening of topic conception and the innovation in means of artistic expression, with emphasis on such noteworthy characteristic features as the weakening of their loyalty to emperors, the leap forward in patriotism, the formation of indignant style, the stress on objective description, and the wide use of ancient and modern full-length poetic sequence.
作者 黄刚
出处 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1997年第1期38-43,75,共7页 Journal of Shantou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 清代 海疆 边塞诗 the Qing Dynasty coastal and offshore frontier frontier poetry
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