Permeable yeast cells were used in the batch production of fructose-1,6-diphosphate(FDP).The optimum reaction conditions were reported to be:reaction temperature 30℃,tolueneconcentration 8%(V/V),and initial ratio of glucose to inorganic phosphorus(Pi)10:1.Addition ofAMP was found to be very beneficial to the FDP production.A multienzyme system model for FDPaccumulation was developed,in which FDP was regarded as a substrate of phosphor-fructokinase(PFK),to simulate the activation effect of FDP on PFK.The model simulations were in good agree-ment with the experimental data.
Permeable yeast cells were used in the batch production of fructose-1, 6-diphosphate (FDP). The optimum reaction conditions were reported to be: reaction temperature 30℃, toluene concentration 8% (V/V), and initial ratio of glucose to inorganic phosphorus (Pi) 10:1. Addition of AMP was found to be very beneficial to the FDP production. A multienzyme system model for FDP accumulation was developed, in which FDP was regarded as a substrate of phosphor-fructokinase (PFK), to simulate the activation effect of FDP on PFK. The model simulations were in good agreement with the experimental data.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China