
Comprehensive Refurbishment of 200 MW Thermal Power Generating Units

Comprehensive Refurbishment of 200 MW Thermal Power Generating Units
摘要 This paper introduces the refurbishmentof 200 MW generating units in NortheastPower Network in recent years, to improvetheir operation reliability, economy,adjustability and controllability. It mainlydescribes the advanced technology used inimproving the combustion, optimizingpulverized coal distribution, economizerantiwear and strengthening heat transfer ofboiler sets and the refurbishment effects. Itintroduces technical measures and prot1ts inretro fit of flow passage of triple-flow lowpressure steam turbines, as well as theapplication of digital electronic hydraulic(DEH) govemors to realize the coordinatedcontrol and energy saving of generating units.(I) Refurbish ment of 200 MWBoiler Equipment in NortheastPower NetworkAbstractThis part introduces some measuresperformed to improve the operation level of2OO MW boiler sets of the power plants inNortheast Power Network in recent years.including the application of conce11trated(conc)-weak c0mbustion technology, theresearch and application of high-efficiencypulverized coal classifier, the application ofantiwear economizer and comprehensiveimprovement of insufficient temperature ofmain steam and reheated stean1. Afterrefurbishment the operating econo111y andsafety of the generating units are greatlyimproved. This paper introduces the refurbishmentof 200 MW generating units in NortheastPower Network in recent years, to improvetheir operation reliability, economy,adjustability and controllability. It mainlydescribes the advanced technology used inimproving the combustion, optimizingpulverized coal distribution, economizerantiwear and strengthening heat transfer ofboiler sets and the refurbishment effects. Itintroduces technical measures and prot1ts inretro fit of flow passage of triple-flow lowpressure steam turbines, as well as theapplication of digital electronic hydraulic(DEH) govemors to realize the coordinatedcontrol and energy saving of generating units.(I) Refurbish ment of 200 MWBoiler Equipment in NortheastPower NetworkAbstractThis part introduces some measuresperformed to improve the operation level of2OO MW boiler sets of the power plants inNortheast Power Network in recent years.including the application of conce11trated(conc)-weak c0mbustion technology, theresearch and application of high-efficiencypulverized coal classifier, the application ofantiwear economizer and comprehensiveimprovement of insufficient temperature ofmain steam and reheated stean1. Afterrefurbishment the operating econo111y andsafety of the generating units are greatlyimproved.
出处 《Electricity》 1997年第2期26-30,共5页 电气(英文版)
关键词 BOILER BURNER c1assifier ECONOMIZER COMPREHENSIVE improvement boiler burner c1assifier economizer comprehensive improvement
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