应用重组血小板生成素(rTpo)对17例再生障碍性贫血(AA)患者进行CFU-MK和CFU-GM培养。研究结果表明:①Tpo 10ng/ml为CFU-MK培养的最佳浓度;②AA患者CFU-GM和CFU-MK增殖均明显低于正常人,P<0.001;③AA患者CFU-MK增殖较CFU-GM更低(CFU-MKx 3.2,CFU-GMx 17.5);④Tpo对骨髓小剂量照射后CFU-MK的增殖有促进恢复,对血小板的减少起到积极预防作用。
Colony forming unit-megakaryocyte ( CFU-MK ) and colony forming unit-granulocyte/ macrophage (CFU-GM) were cultured in the presence of recombinant thrombopoietin (rTPO) from the bone marrow mononuclear cells of 17 patients with aplastic anemia (AA) and normal control. The results found that the optimal concentration of TPO was 10 ng/ml in the culture system of CFU-MK. The numbers of CFU-GM and CFU-MK of patients with AA were signficantly lower than that of normal control (P<0.01). This result was consistent with pathogenesis of stem cell deficiency. Compared with that of normal control, the mean number of CFU-MK was 3.2, lower than that of CFU-GM (17.5%). This suggested that the impairment of CFU-MK might occur more early stage than that of CFU-GM, and so it may not be responded to Tpo. Tpo can increase the number of CFU-MK in normal control when their bone marrows were irradiated by small doses, this suggested that Tpo could prevent thrombocytopenia post irradiation.
Journal of Experimental Hematology