新疆画院院长克里木·纳斯尔丁(KERIM NASIRDN)是维吾尔族人,1947年2月生于乌鲁木齐市,从小酷爱美术,初中毕业即赴北京学习绘画。1967年毕业于中央民族大学美术系。1981年毕业于中央美术学院油画系研究生班。1988年至1989年在法国巴黎国际艺术城“吕霞光夫妇画室”进修并赴欧洲、中亚、东南亚诸国进行艺术考察。先后在北京、巴黎、阿拉木图、比什凯克、香港。
Born in 1947 in Urumqi,the People's Republic of China, Kerim Nasirdin is,Uygur by nationality,a first-class artist (namely professor).He graduated from the Central Institute of Fine Arts in 1981,and later did advanced studies in Paris for one year (1988-9).He has also made professional observation tours of some countries in Europe,Central Asia and Southeast Asia. Kerim Nasirdin is the first Uygur to have obtained a master degree of oil painting in new China since its founding in 1949.He has been elected the only deputy to the NPC representing all the artists in Xinjiang.He has also been conferred the title of “China's Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions” and for this he has won a special alindluded in Chinese Art Dictionary,Art of Modem Chinese Oil Painting,Who's Who of Modern China,Who's of Modern Chinese Artists CD- RLM,and Who's Who of the World.Kerim Nasirdin is now president of the Xinjiang Art Academy.
Western China