

Making Use of Favorable Conditions to Serve Economic construction
摘要 在四川绵竹市石亭江,有一片一望无际的河滩荒地。多年来,这里卵石遍布,野草丛生,无人问津。但是,在改革开放深入发展的近5年,历史在这里掀开了新的一页。昔日茫茫的河沿荒滩被一片繁茂的绿荫所覆盖,旅游娱乐设施也应运而生,初具规模的风景区引来了无数游人。这就是四川省外办牵线搭桥。 Since 1990's,Sichuan Provincial Foreign Affairs Office(SPFAO)has persisted in serving the reform and opening-up drive,serving the local economic construction and serving the prefectures,cities and autonomous prefecture in foreign exchange and cooperation under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory to actively act as bridge in drawing overseas investment and in the economic development of the province through the channels of sister cities worldwide while effectively doing well in the work of bringing foreign affairs under centralized management by specialized depactments,of the control concerning foreign affairs and of foreign publicity to bring out a remarkable change in the scope,activities and actual results of the province's foreign affairs work. Today,with 80% of its cities ,counties and regions open to the outside world,Sichuan Province has established trade relations with 138 countries and friendly relations between 32 pairs of sister cities with 20-plus counties.Since 1991,the province has sent 112,000 man- times all over the world to carry out friendly association and trade talks.At the same time,it invited and received nearly 60,000 man-times to come to Sichuan for visit or investigation and introduced some 7,500 man-times of overseas experts in cultural,educational and economical circles to Sichuan for teaching,academic exchange,scientific and technological cooperation and project contracting. Morover,according to incomplete statistics,from 1991 to 1996,SPFAO organized,participated,coordinated and assisted economic projects hitting 1,200 and more,facilitated the introduction of overse as capital totalling 2.23 billion USD,170 million RMB,accepted donation of 260 million USD,229 million RMB,and received overseas reporters and journalists reaching 1,100 man-times for interviews across Sichuan Province.
作者 章鉴
出处 《中国西部》 1997年第5期8-11,共4页 Western China
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