The Pengxi Natural Gas Company (PXNG) has 8 million yuan in fix assets and plays a very important role in the economy of the county. Over the years the company has established firm foundation in the county seat and other towns and villages by diversifying their business and has contributed to the local community. The Pengxi Oil Gas Tapping Company(PXOG)was started in September 1995 as a local enterprise. In about one year since its set-up, PXOG has dug 6 oil gas wells, namely the 'Li No. 1'. the 'He No. 1', the 'Li No. 2', the 'Li No. 3', the 'Wen No. 1'and one unnamed well.The daily output reaches the volume of 140,000 nv of natural gas and 17 tons of petroleum.The company has grown into a key state enterprise that has 50 million yuan in fixed assets and that turns over 10 millions of profits and taxes to the government.
Western China