一 “一粒沙,是可以变成晶莹的珍珠的,条件是——它要溶进到蚌壳中去。”这个警句很形象也很深刻。一位艺术家的成长也是讲条件的,一个时代,时代的精神,可以成为他成长的大环境;一所学校,一种传统,也可以是他成长的小环境。关键是主动的去认识、理解和热爱这环境,投入进去从中吸收生命的营养。王绪阳是在鲁艺传统哺育下成长的知名国画家,是我的同辈,我们的艺术生命都是与共和国的成立一起诞生的。
The course that Prof. Wang Xuyang has grown up nurtured by LUYI (Lu Xun Institute of Li-terature and Arts) spirit is described in detail here. Prof. Wang has persisted in the Chinese figures creation mirroring the times and actual life over the past 40 years. His representative works, such as Child Labourers, I wisth to Go to School, reflected the teaching achievements of LUYI. The historical painting Huang Chao Insurrectionary Army Entering Chang' an City was referred to as an artistical practice combing realistic ideas with traditional spirit. And then his brushwork reached a higher state by Firm Rock in Midstream and Millet and Rifles and so on after 'Cultural Revolution'. So the essencal aspect in his creation career depends on linking with people and life, and his artistical road doesn' t depart from the fine tradition of LUYI at all.