本文报道1970年1月至1995年12月在北京协和医院经手术病理确诊的791例大肠癌,其中结肠癌396例,直肠癌395例,年龄20~85岁,平均54.4岁。分析结果提示:(1)本组大肠癌手术病例逐年增多。(2)Duke A、B期占36%,C、D期平均误诊时间比A、B期长3个月。(3)以粘液血便,便鲜血、腹痛伴包块,首发贫血及间断发烧为临床重要表现,分别占大肠癌的15.3%、10.2%、7.6%、5.4%及2.0%。这些病人一度被误诊为菌痢、内痔、急慢性肠梗阻、贫血或肠结核等。(4)7cm以下的直畅癌占42.2%,其有75.1%的患者却未做肛门指诊,是误诊的重要原因之一。(5)粪潜血试验阳性率为84%,可作为筛查的一种手段。
Background/Aims: To review the causes of misdiagnosis of colorectal cancer, the anthors summarized their experiences aiming at diminution of the rate of misdiagnosis. Subjects: 791 cases (age: 20-85yrs, mean 54.4) of colorectal cancer operated and histology-proven at the Peking Union Medical College Hospital from Jan. 1970 to Dec. 1995. The ratio of colonic and rectal cancer as well as male to female was 1:1. Results: (1) The operated cases increased with time. (2) Staging: 36% of the patients were Duke A and B. The period of misdiagnosis of Duke C and D was 3 months longer than that of Duke A and B. (3) The main symptoms in this group were: mucus and blood in stool (15.3%), rectal bleeding (10.2%), abdominal pain associated with palpable mass (7.6%), anaemia as the first symptom (5.4%) and intermittent fever (2.0%). Most commonly they were misdiagnosed as: bacillary dysentery, internal hemorrhoid, intestinal obstruction, iron deficiency anemia and intestinal tuberculosis etc. (4) 42% of the rectal were within 7cm above the anus, unfortunately, 75% of them had not undergone digital rectal examination. (5) Fecal occult blood test had a positive rate of 84% and 3 consecutive tests yielded a positive rate of 100%, much higher than a single test (positive rate 20%). Conclusions: Patients with the above symptoms should be suspected of colorectal cancer. Fecal occult blood test and digital rectal examination are of prime importance in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer.
Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology
Colorectal cancer Fecal occult blood test Digital rectal examination