The multi-grid method has been known as an efficient iterative method for the linear systems and nonlinear systems that arise from finite difference approximations for partial differential equations. In this paper, the multigrid method is extended to the application of solving integral equations which appear in electromagnetic scattering problems. The diakoptic theory is used for this purpose. Compared with other methods, the numerical results show that the multigrid method is powerful to solve electromagnetic scattering problems and can be used to compute electromagnetic scattering problems with electrically large bodies and complex structures.
:The multi-grid method has been known as an efficient iterative method for the linear systems and nonlinear systems that arise from finite difference approximations for partial differential equations. In this paper, the multigrid method is extended to the application of solving integral equations which appear in electromagnetic scattering problems. The diakoptic theory is used for this purpose. Compared with other methods, the numerical results show that the multigrid method is powerful to solve electromagnetic scattering problems and can be used to compute electromagnetic scattering problems with electrically large bodies and complex structures.