Nuclease P1 is Produced from Penicillium citrinum M71 strain by deep culture under aeration and stir at 28 ±1℃ . The enzyme can degrade heat-denatured DNA and yeast RNA into 5' -mononucleotides and 5' - deoxyribotide. The peak of enzymic yield in culture medium is observed at 70 - 95hrs. For heat denatured DNA or yeast RNA, the activity of the enzymc respective reach 155 unit/ml or 369 unit/ml. The optimum temperature optimum and pH for enzyme reaction respective is 75℃ and 5.0, and it is stable in one hour below 70℃ . Futher, the enzyme activity may greatly increased if the mould amounts , oxygen supply, pH and Zn2+. , Fe2+ , Sn2+ , L-Cysteine, Tween-80, pao-di (triatomic alcohol polyether) amounts be controlled.
Journal of Ningbo University:Natural Science and Engineering Edition