将21例丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)RNA阳性的丙型肝炎患者随机分成α-干扰素(IFN-α)联合阿昔洛韦(ACV)、单用IFN-α和支持治疗组。IFN-α3Mu隔日肌肉注射,共3个月。联合组并用ACV0.75静脉滴注,每日1次,共2个月。支持治疗组仅口服保肝药物。治疗结束时,3组谷丙酶(ALT)复常率分别为75%、50%和40%,HCV RNA转阴率分别为87.5%、25%和0%。随访10个月,3组的ALT正常率分别为100%、62.5%、20%,HCV RNA阴性率分别为87.5%、37.5%和20%。本研究表明,IFN-α联合ACV治疗丙型肝炎效果优于单用IFN-α和保肝支持治疗。5例HCV基因Ⅱ型者,治疗结束时仅1例HCV RNA转阴,提示Ⅱ型者耐IFN-α。
Twenty-one patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA positive were divided into three groups.Group l(n-8) subjected tO' interferon-α (IFN-α) and acyclovir (ACV).Group2(n=8) Subjected to IFN-a alone and group 3(n=5)subjected to conventional therapy.IFN-α(3MU) was intramuscularly injected every other day for three months and AGV was used at 0.75/d,IV,for two months.The recovery rate of serum ALT levels of the 3 groups at the end of the regimen were 75%,50% and 40%,.respectively.The negativity rate of HCV RNA were 87.5%,37.5% ?0%,respectively.These results suggested that the combination of IFN-a and ACV is superior in treatment of hepatitis C to IFN-α alone.The HCV RNA converted to negativity in only one case out of five patients with type Ⅱ HCV RNA positive,which demonstrated that type Ⅱ HCV RNA is resistant fo IFN-α
Journal of Practical Hepatology