根据我们对南岳广济寺森林群落的实地考察及其调查资料统计分析结果,发现该群落是一种尚未报道的新类型,即水丝梨+甜槠-尾叶山茶+花竹-蔓赤 车群丛(Association of Sycopsis sinensis+Castnopsis eyeri-Camellia caudata+Phyllostachys nidularia-Pellionia scabra)。该群落内有维管束植物69科116属149种;其属的区系是以热带性质成分为主,温带性质成分为辅,各占56.19%和43.81%;其种的区系成分以华夏、东亚、中国-日本和华东至华中等四种类型为主,同时本群落具有明显的华东至华中过渡交迭性质。在群落中木本植物和草本植物各占71.14%和28.86%,草本植物中的多年生和一年生类型各占22.82%和6.04%。本群落可以明显划分为乔、灌、草三个层次,每个层次又可以进一步划分为三个亚层。这一群落是中亚热带东部典型常绿阔叶林北部植被地理亚带中的常绿阔叶林,在演替过程中,群落仍将保持以水丝梨为优势种的常绿阔叶林,但其亚优势种——甜槠将可能会被多脉青冈、中华石楠、长叶石栎取代。
According to the results of the investigation and statistic andysis of the forest community in Guangji Temple of Nanyue of Hunan province,the forest community is a new type which hasn't been reported,that is to say, it is Association of Sycopsis sinensis +Castanopsis eyeri -Camellia caudata+Phyl-lostachys nidularia- Pellionia scabra. The community has 149 species and 116 genera that belong to 69 families of the vascular plant. The tropical element of the floristic genera in the forest community occupies 56. 19% of the tatal,but the temperate one 43. 81 % . The floristic elements of the species in the community are mainly Cathysian, Sino- Japen, East Aisa and East China to Central China which occupies 24. 16%, 16. 78%, 13.42% and 12. 08% of the total respectively. It is very obvious that the floristic elements of East China and Central China cross at the species of the community in Guangji Temple of Nanyue. The wood plant in the community occupies 71. 14% of the total, but herb plant 28. 86% in which the Therophytes and Perennial plant occupies 6. 04% and 22. 82% of the total respectively. The commuity can be divided the arbor,shrub and herb layer, which each layer of them can be further divided hree sublayers,it is the Evergreen Broad -leaved Forest in the North subzone of the central subtropical of China.The community still keep the Evergeeri Broad - leaved Forest to regard Sycopsis sinensis as the dominant speices in the successive probably replaced by Cyclobalanopsis multinervis,Phoiinia beauverdiana and Lithocarpus henryi.
JOurnal of Hunan Environment Biological Polytechnic
Guangji Temple(Nanyue).
Forest community
Floristic geograp-py
Phytocoenological characteristies