The changes of the densities of single glucagon-containing A cell (single A cell) and single insulin-containing B cell (single B cell) in the pancreatic exocrine portion of streptozo-tocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rat were observed by using protein A gold silver-peroxidase an-tiperoxidase (PAGS-PAP) double staining technique. Both on day 5 (5-day group) and day 15 (15-day group) after intraperitoneal injection of a single high dose of STZ, the density of single A cells increased significantly in the pancreatic exocrine portion of the rats treated with STZ; compared with that of the control rats. The density of single B cells decreased markedly of day 5 after STZ treatment but returned to the level of the control rat on day 15. In 15-day group, some of the single B (Sells were distributed in the pancreatic acini adjacent to the islets and the precentage of the islets the periacini of which conteined sngle B cells, was much higher than that in control group. In view of the distributive similarity of the single cells to the intermediate cells and the identity of density changes of the single cells with the intermediate cells in the pancreatic exocrine portion of diabetic animals, it was indicated that there might be a close relationship between the single cells observed in present study and the intermediate cells reported previously. Therefore, the above results suggested that, after B cells in the pancreas were destroyed in STZ-induced diabetic rats, some cells ofthe pancreatic exocine portion might be transformed into single A and single B cells through the intermediate cells, of the single cells might be the intermediate cells in the transforming process.
Chinese Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry