凝血酶原时间(PT)测定是监测口服华法令最常用的方法。PT的试剂是凝血活酶,选用不同组织和制备方法的不同,凝血活酶的敏感性亦有差异。我们选用国产凝血活酶试剂,Beite公司的Neoplastine ISI:1.67和Akzonobel公司的Simplastin ISI:2.8试剂分别对口服华法令病人180例和35例正常对照进行PT的测定。结果表明:用凝血酶原比率(PTR)作为标准鉴别存在很大的误差,建议应用国际正常化比率表示。
The Prothrombiri time (PT) test b.as been used for many years to control oral anticoagulant therapy. Thromboplastins from different sources have different sensitivities and differences also exist between batches. In 180 patients with oral anticoagulation therapy and 35 control we performed PT test using chinese thromboplastin;, Neoplastine (Beite CO. International sensitivity index ISI 1.67) and Sirnplastin (Akzonobel CO. ISI 2.8). These results suggested that reliance on prothrombin time ratio (PTR) caused significant errors, and we recommended that the international normalized ratio (INR) he used. Use of tins corrected prothrombin ratio (INR) will ensure that prothrombin time ratios will be comparable from day to day and laboratery to labo-ratony throughout the world.
Chinese Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis