plane decaying leaves have been found capable of removing chromium and nickel ions from aqueous solutions. The removal efficiency depends upon the pH conditions, ions components and concentrations, and concentrations of leaves in media. The maximum removal for unique Cr6+ is about 7.5-8.0g/kg leaves at pH 4. 0, for unique Ni2+ about 2. 6g/kg at the region of PH5. 0-5.5. Under the described conditions nickel increases chromium uptake by plane decaying leaves from solution.
plane decaying leaves have been found capable of removing chromium and nickel ions from aqueous solutions. The removal efficiency depends upon the pH conditions, ions components and concentrations, and concentrations of leaves in media. The maximum removal for unique Cr6+ is about 7.5-8.0g/kg leaves at pH 4. 0, for unique Ni2+ about 2. 6g/kg at the region of PH5. 0-5.5. Under the described conditions nickel increases chromium uptake by plane decaying leaves from solution.