光固化复合树脂已普遍应用于前牙Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ类洞的充填,以及四环素牙、班釉牙、釉质发育不全等的贴面修复,但临床上由此引起的牙髓、牙周组织的并发症也较普遍,本人自89~94年收治了54例101颗牙由光固化治疗后引起不同种类的并发症,对发生的原因进行分析,以消除并发症的发生。
Light -solidifying compound resin has been widely used in the filling of cavities of front Teeth Ⅲ Ⅳ and Ⅴ , and in repairs of tetracyline teeth, speckle -glazed teeth and hypoplasia of enamel. However, it clinically leads to common complications of dental pulp and dental period tissue. I have treated 101 teeth in 54 cases due to various complications caused by light - solidifying treatment since from 1989 to 1994, and analyzed the causes to eliminate the happening of complications.
Journal of Dalian University