Grain structure, dendrite morphologies and shape of MC type carbides ina nickel-base superalloy IN 738 LC are investigated with the addition of carbides,boride, nitride and intermetallic compounds. The results show that the grain size of theingots can be refined extensively to the order of ASTM M11~12 by combination of anintermetallic compound NixAly, addition together with lowering melt homogeneoustreatment temperature during the melting and casting process. In addition, the processcould restrain the formation of script-type carbides. The new process does not changethe phase constitution, freezing characteristics and sub-structure stability. Therefore, itis considered as an effective and practical method of grain refinement for superalloys.
Grain structure, dendrite morphologies and shape of MC type carbides ina nickel-base superalloy IN 738 LC are investigated with the addition of carbides,boride, nitride and intermetallic compounds. The results show that the grain size of theingots can be refined extensively to the order of ASTM M11~12 by combination of anintermetallic compound NixAly, addition together with lowering melt homogeneoustreatment temperature during the melting and casting process. In addition, the processcould restrain the formation of script-type carbides. The new process does not changethe phase constitution, freezing characteristics and sub-structure stability. Therefore, itis considered as an effective and practical method of grain refinement for superalloys.