The effects of acetylchoiine(Ach),histamine and isoprenaline on the tension and the activity of Ca2+ -activated k+(Kca) channels were studied in guinea-pig isolated tracheal strip cosisting of some'z'shapes designed by ourselves,The results showed that:1.The tension evoked by Ach and histmine had increased over evoked by Ach or histamine but decreased below the sum of the tension evoked by Ach and histamine respectively. 2. The tension evoked by Ach was abolished by isoprenaline and even below the basictension. The tension evoked by Ach and histamine together was also abolished by isoprenaline. It suggested that Ach and histamine in meddle concentration had synergiem on increment in tension of tracheal smooth muscle and Kca channels closed or mostly closed while tracheal spasm evoked by Ach or histamin.
Sichuan Journal of Physiological Sciences