Nine cases of congenital subaortic stenosis (SAS) associated with ventricular septal defect(VSD)were reported. The age ranged from 6 to 14 years. Under extracorporeal circulation, excision of the subaortic septum was performed in 8 cases, an extracardiac valve conduit from apex of left ventricle to aorta was established in another patient with tunnel-type of SAS. The VSD was repaired with patch in 7 cases. sutured in other 2. The operation was successful. The precardiac murmurs disappeared postoperatively and the symptoms relieved remarkably.Following up the patients for 3 to 97 months , the curative effect was satisfactory. The pathoanatomic characters of the congenital cardiac malformations of SAS associated with VSD were analysed, its diagnosis and surgical treatment were discussed briefly.