Abstract: A new initiator. potassium diperiodatoargentate (Ⅲ). was used to initiate graft copolymerization of butryl acrylate(BuA) onto casein which showed a very high grafiting efficiency. grafting efficiency andpercent conversion of monomer were evaluated in all cases. Infrared spectra and thermal analysis for casein and the grafting copolymer were taken to establish evidence for grafting. A possible initiation mechanism was proposed.
Abstract: A new initiator. potassium diperiodatoargentate (Ⅲ). was used to initiate graft copolymerization of butryl acrylate(BuA) onto casein which showed a very high grafiting efficiency. grafting efficiency andpercent conversion of monomer were evaluated in all cases. Infrared spectra and thermal analysis for casein and the grafting copolymer were taken to establish evidence for grafting. A possible initiation mechanism was proposed.