Hydrodynamics and mass transfer experiments were carried out in a 0.1m diameter extraction column with a new type (FG) stack packing developed recently in our laboratory.The working systems used were n-Butano1/Succinic acid/water with low interfacial tension of 1.50×10-3N·m-1 and 30% TBP (Kerosene)/Acetic acid/water with interfacial tension of 10.0×10-3N· m-1. Experimental results obtained indicated that (FG) stack packed extraction column was proved to possess high throughput capacity and excellent mass transfer efficiency. Replacing rotary discs with FG packings in a lube furfural extraction tower was quite success with significant economical benefits being claimed.
1 INTRODUCTIONOne of the major objectives in the study of extraction column is to minimize column di-mensions to fulfill a certain specific separation process.This has led to the intensiveemployment of structured packings in extraction columns [1].One of the recentdevelopments targeted for greater interfacial areas without excessive dispersion is the useof structure packings contactive claiming advantages,such as lower fluid flow
Supported by the National Natural Science Fundation of China.