A series of experiments on wave forces on a cylinder have been carried out when inertia component isdominant for a small she cylinder. The influence of nonlinear effect on the inertia component of wave forces on a cylinder is analyzed. The applicable range of nonlinear wave theories, such as Stokes and cnoidal wave theories, in calculating wave forces on a cylinder is discussed. A correction method is suggested for linear wave theory in calculated waveforces on a cylinder under the nonlinear condition.
A series of experiments on wave forces on a cylinder have been carried out when inertia component isdominant for a small she cylinder. The influence of nonlinear effect on the inertia component of wave forces on a cylinder is analyzed. The applicable range of nonlinear wave theories, such as Stokes and cnoidal wave theories, in calculating wave forces on a cylinder is discussed. A correction method is suggested for linear wave theory in calculated waveforces on a cylinder under the nonlinear condition.