In the design of cool-supply system, the temperature rise of cooling water pipeline is usually determined by experience, but not calculated. In gcnacral, the temperature rise is 1℃ for cooling water supply pipes and 0.5℃ for return pipes. The calculated results of TR according to classical approaches of thermodynamics are smaller than the tested data. This paper has analysed the causes that affect the temperature rise in detail. The heat transfer of pipe wall and the pressure drop in pipeline are two main factors. Besides, the paper gives another five factors as follows: 1. The heat radiation from the sun to pipelines; 2. The increased heat transfer due to the water condensation around the outer wall of pipelines; 3. For the underground pipelines, the existing unstable heat transfer; 4. The effects of insulation material as well as the installed quality of insulation layer; 5.The additional cool loss produced by the accessories, such as valves, brace etc. According to the above analysis, the paper
In the design of cool-supply system, the temperature rise of cooling water pipeline is usually determined by experience, but not calculated. In genaeral, the temperature rise is 1℃ for cooling water supply pipes and 0.5℃ for return pipes. The calculated results of TR according to classical approaches of thermodynamics arc smaller than the tested data. This paper has analysed the causes that affect the temperature rise in detail. The heat transfer of pipe wall and the pressure drop in pipeline are two main factors. Besides, the paper gives another five factors as follows: 1. The heat radiation from the sun to pipelines; 2. The increased heat transfer due to the water condensation around the outer wall of pipelines; 3. For the underground pipelines, the existing unstable heat transfer; 4. The effects of insulation material as well as the installed quality of insulation layer; 5. The additional cool loss produced by the accessories, such as valves, brace etc. According to the above analysis, the paper gives a new calculation method for the temperature rise. The calculated results by the new method and the tested data as given in the paper arc in good agreement