Since the late 1980's there have been a number of research efforts aimed at exploring and developing the refractory intermetalllic materials for service at temperatures which compete with the nickel-based superalloys in structural applications. These efforts have documented the physical and mechanical properties of a broad set of compositions. However, only in the last three years have these efforts yielded sufficient experimental results on single selected systems to suggest that damage tolerance, creep resistance and oxidation resistance may be obtained and controlled simultaneously. These findings led to alloy development concepts and approaches which are currently under investigation and are expected to lead to research focused on a smaller set of alloys. An overview of selected alloy development strategies and resulting structural properties is presented herein.
Since the late 1980's there have been a number of research efforts aimed at exploring and developing the refractory intermetalllic materials for service at temperatures which compete with the nickel-based superalloys in structural applications. These efforts have documented the physical and mechanical properties of a broad set of compositions. However, only in the last three years have these efforts yielded sufficient experimental results on single selected systems to suggest that damage tolerance, creep resistance and oxidation resistance may be obtained and controlled simultaneously. These findings led to alloy development concepts and approaches which are currently under investigation and are expected to lead to research focused on a smaller set of alloys. An overview of selected alloy development strategies and resulting structural properties is presented herein.