The compressive and tensile strain rate sensitivities of polycrystalline and single crystal NiAl have been evaluated at 877 ℃ which is well above DBTT. Samples were prepared to specific sizes by hot press consolidation of appropriate powder sizes and minimizing past consolidation thermal exposures. NiAl single crystals were grown in the [100]orientation using a modified Bridgeman technique. The yield and tensile strength of polycrystalline NiAl as a function of grain size generally follows a Hall-Petch type relationship . A tensile strain rate effect was found at strain rate of 1 to 10-4 sec-1. The strain rate sensitivity coefficient, m,in the equation of σ = Kε is in the range of 0. 10 to 0. 13. The highest strain rate (1 sec-1) resulted in significantly higher strengths and little or no observed ductility. Compressive strain rate testing al strain rate of 10-5to 10-2 sec-1 and at temperature of 1050°to 1250°K was conducted both for polycrystalline and for single crystal NiAl. The calculated stress exponents and the activation energy for creep were compared with the reference data.
The compressive and tensile strain rate sensitivities of polycrystalline and single crystal NiAl have been evaluated at 877 ℃ which is well above DBTT. Samples were prepared to specific sizes by hot press consolidation of appropriate powder sizes and minimizing past consolidation thermal exposures. NiAl single crystals were grown in the [100]orientation using a modified Bridgeman technique. The yield and tensile strength of polycrystalline NiAl as a function of grain size generally follows a Hall-Petch type relationship . A tensile strain rate effect was found at strain rate of 1 to 10-4 sec-1. The strain rate sensitivity coefficient, m,in the equation of σ = Kε is in the range of 0. 10 to 0. 13. The highest strain rate (1 sec-1) resulted in significantly higher strengths and little or no observed ductility. Compressive strain rate testing al strain rate of 10-5to 10-2 sec-1 and at temperature of 1050°to 1250°K was conducted both for polycrystalline and for single crystal NiAl. The calculated stress exponents and the activation energy for creep were compared with the reference data.