For the regions with the same latitude, the value of Ht apear- antly increases along with the increase of elevation. For the regions with the same elevation, Thd value of Ht increases along with the increase of latitude (from thd south to the north); But the increase is not so appearant and has rel- apse. So the changes of elevation are the chief reason which causes thd changes of Ht, Here is a formula which tells the relation between Ht and elevation; The method adopted here is mathematicalregression and the data form the above-noted 22 regions in china. Male: Ht (M) =43.6 + 4.5× 10-3 ·h Femal:Ht ( F) =39.4 +3. 6 × 10-3 ·h In this formula, h refers to elevtion, the unit is metre.
Chinese Journal of Hemorheology