
Expert system for elucidation of structures of organic compounds——Structural generator of ESESOC-II 被引量:2

Expert system for elucidation of structures of organic compounds——Structural generator of ESESOC-II
摘要 An expert system for the elucidation of the structures of organic compounds--ESESOC-IIhas been designed. It is composed of three parts: spectroscopic data analysis, structure generator, and evaluation of the candidate structures. The heart of ESESOC is the structure generator, as an integral part, which accepts the specific types of information, e.g. molecular formulae, substructure constraints, and produces an exhaustive and irredundant list of candidate structures. The scheme for the structural generation is given, in which the depth-first search strategy is used to fill the bonding adjacency matrix (BAM) and a new method is introduced to remove the duplicates. An expert system for the elucidation of the structures of organic compounds--ESESOC-IIhas been designed. It is composed of three parts: spectroscopic data analysis, structure generator, and evaluation of the candidate structures. The heart of ESESOC is the structure generator, as an integral part, which accepts the specific types of information, e.g. molecular formulae, substructure constraints, and produces an exhaustive and irredundant list of candidate structures. The scheme for the structural generation is given, in which the depth-first search strategy is used to fill the bonding adjacency matrix (BAM) and a new method is introduced to remove the duplicates.
作者 胡昌玉 许禄
出处 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 1995年第3期296-304,共9页 中国科学(化学英文版)
基金 Project supported by the Naional Natural Science Foundaion of China.
关键词 EXPERT system STRUCTURE ELUCIDATION STRUCTURE generator. expert system, structure elucidation, structure generator.
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