

Observation on therapeutic efficacy of “xian xin” decoction (No.1,)in treatment of infant congenital atrial septum defect and ventricular septum defect
摘要 目的:探讨中药“先心1号汤”治疗小儿单纯性先天性房、室间隔缺损的疗效。方法:将小儿单纯性先天性房、室间隔缺损患儿随机分为2组。治疗组133例中男66例,女67例;年龄6个月~10岁(平均4.3岁);房间隔缺损(房缺)75例,室间隔缺损(室缺)58例。对照组105例中男49例,女56例;年龄4个月~9岁(平均4.1岁);房缺61例,室缺44例。2组患儿年龄,房、室间隔缺损分型均具可比性。治疗组用“先心1号汤”治疗;对照组不用药,观察缺损自然闭合情况。结果:治疗组患儿服药2个疗程后房缺痊愈54例(40.6%),好转15例(11.3%);室缺痊愈40例(30.1%),好转13例(9.8%),总有效率91.7%。对照组房缺痊愈4例(3.8%),好转6例(5.7%);室缺痊愈5例(4.8%),好转4例(3.8%),总有效率18.1%。2组疗效比较,治疗组疗效显著优于对照组,差异显著(P<0.01)。结论:“先心1号汤”治疗小儿单纯性先天性房、室间隔缺损疗效肯定,安全可靠,无毒副作用,值得临床推广。确切机制尚待探讨。 Objective:To explore the therapeutic efficacy of “xian xin” decoction (No.1) in treatment of infant simple congenital atrial septum defect (ASD) and ventricular septum defect (VSD).Methods:Simple congenital ASD and VSD infant patients were divided randomly into 2 groups:treatment group (n=133) and control group (n=105).In the treatment group,66 cases were male and 67 cases were female;the age was from 6 months to 10 years (mean age:43 years old);75 cases were ASD and 58 cases were VSD.In the control group,49 cases were male and 56 cases were female;the age was from 4 months to 9 years (mean age:41 years old);61 cases were ASD and 44 cases were VSD.The ages and the types of ASD and VSD between 2 groups were possessed of comparable.The treatment group was treated with “xian xin” decoction (No.1) but not in control group,and to observe the natural close condition.Results:In the treatment group,54 cases (406%) of ASD were cured,15 cases(113%) were improved;40 cases (301%) of VSD were cured,13 cases (98%) were improved,the total effective rate was 917%.In the control group,4 cases (38%) of ASD were cured,6 cases (57%) were improved;5 cases (48%) of VSD were cured,4 cases (38%) were improved,the total effective rate was 181%.The treatment group was superior obviously to control group,there was obvious difference of therapeutic efficacy between 2 groups (P<001).Conclusions:“Xian xin” decoction (No.1) is a Chinese herb,which is effectiveness,safe and no sideeffect for treating infant simple congenital ASD and VSD.So it is valuable to spread and to investigate the exact mechanism.
出处 《中西医结合实用临床急救》 1998年第3期103-105,共3页
关键词 房间隔缺损 室间隔缺损 先心1号汤 中药 儿童 atrial septum defect\ \ ventricular septum defect\ \ "xian xin" decoction(No.1)
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