situation of some stands
which were either centralized or decentralized,preparing meatsand
non-staple food were investigated.Among the 187 samples collected,91
samples were up tothe chinese standards in total number of bacteria
count,118 samples was qualified in coliform grouplevel.The compliance
rate were 48.7% and 63.1% respectively.We chose 8 stands which
arerepresentative of regular building to carry out intervention,drew
up and implemented 15 hygienicrequirements of street food regular
building.Educated persons involved in the production and handling
offoods in accordance with their special hyginic
characteristics,strengthened their hygienicknowledge and hygienic
processing skill.Affer intervention was done,the compliance rate
oftools used in connexion with food was from 0% to 62.5%,and up to
91.7% after resterilizedon the spot.The rate of compliance of
utensils was from 40.3% to 75%,and up to 95.8%after resterilized on
the spot.The rate of compliance of foods was from 63.1% to
Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene