The δ34S values of copper deposits in Zhejiang province range gcnerally from - 6‰ to+10.5‰, of which the posltive vaIue is predominant and rich-heavy sulphur, being close tothe aerolite sulphur; In plumbotectonic model diagram, the lead isotopic compositions of ore min-eral for spilite - keratophyre type and migmatization type lie between upper mantle and lowercrust, however, other type deposits (including skarn type, porphyry and hydrothermal type de-posit ect. ) are at upper part of orogenic belt curve. This shows that mineralizing material sourcesin various types of the copper deposits are different.The δ18O values of mineral from these copper deposits are from+4‰ to +12‰. In δ18OH2Oversus δD diagram, the spilite-keratophyre type deposits have lower δ18OH2O and higher δD val-ue, and the migmatization type deposits have higher δ18OH2o and lower δD value. The conclusionindicates that the mineralizing fluids of spilite-keratophyre type and migmatization type belongto a mixed fluid of seawater and metamorphic water, and the ore-forming fluids of other typedeposits (including skarm type, porphyry and hydrothermal type deposit etc. ) are mostly themixed product of magmatic solution and meteoric water.
Zhejiang Land & Resources
copper deposit,isotopic geochemical feature, Zhejiang