本文对福建省建瓯万木林自然保护区常绿阔叶林的植物区系成分、群落外貌和结构做了初步分析。 调查植物计58科100属140种。植物种类以樟科、壳斗科、未兰科、山茶科、杜英科和山矾科为主。对种子植物属的地理成分统计表明,热带分布的地理成分占总属数的73%,温带分布的则占24.4%。而种的地理成分则以中国亚热带特有分布为主,占总种数的61.5%。 常绿阔叶林中高位芽植物占86.4%,以常绿成分为主。叶性则以中小型叶、革质、全缘单叶为主。群落结构较完整,可分林木、下木和草层等,藤本植物较发达,一些树木有小型板状根发育,为中亚热带较典型的常绿阔叶林。
The evergreen broadleaf forest discussed in this paper is located at Wan Mu Lin Reserve (27° 03'N,118°09'E)of Jian Ou.Fu Jian Province on the subtropical region in China.As one of the zonal vegetation types of the mid-subtropical region of China, its floristic composition consists of 140 species of vascular plants of 100 genera in 58 families. In the discotyle-donous plant, the species of Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, Theaceae and Elaeocarpaceae families are abundant .They are all fundamental components of tree layer. Analysis of the floristic geographical elements indicated that the percentage of tropical element was high .making up 73% of the total genera. It was told that they had a tight connexion with the tropical flora (especially had common histroy in a long period with the tropical flora of Southeast Asia.The physiognomy of the community was analyzed on the basis of life form of plants and their leaf characters. The structure of community could be divided into the tree layer,the shrub layer and the herb layer.Moreover,the tree layer could be subdivided into three tree sublayers. These basic characteristics showed that Wan Mu Lin was one of the classic evergreen broadleaf forest of subtropical region of China.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)
Wan Mu Lin
evergreen broad leaf forest