

Perioperative nutrition support on of 29 elderly patients with hepatobiliary disease
摘要 报告29例老年人胆道疾患围手术期存在的不同程度营养不良,术前高危因素和术后严重并发症,在手术前、后实施PN或(和)EN的阶段性营养支持,以达到纠正负氮平衡,维持内环境稳定,增加体重和促进伤口愈合.本组手术治愈率89.4%(26/29).结合老年人生理特点,急性应激期改变和肝肾功能障碍等问题,就胆道围手术期的代谢支持(MS)、PN和EN的具体应用作了较为详尽的讨论. The clinical study observed the effects of perioperative nutrition support (PN or/ and EN) on 29 elderly patients with hepatobiliary diseases. Results showed that the nutrition support could correct negative nitrogen balance, keep the homeostasis, increase the bodyweight, promote postoperative healing and achieve a 89.4 % cure rate. According to the characteristics of malnutrition, the highly dangerous factors exist preoperatively and the severe complications occur postoperatively in elderly patients with hepatobiliary diseases, we discussed detailly on the metabolic support and clinical application of parenteral and enteral nutrition in this article.
出处 《中华临床营养杂志》 CAS 1994年第4期13-16,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition
关键词 营养支持 老年外科 胆道围手术期 nutrition support Geriatric surgery Perioperative period of hepatobiliary surgery
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