
PMSG处理卵巢静止奶牛以缩短产犊间隔的研究 被引量:3

Treatment with PMSG of Ovarian Quiescence in Dairy Cows
摘要 将41头产后40-100天卵巢静止奶牛分为四个处理组:OIUPMSG(n=12)、1000IUPMSG(n=12)、1250IUPMSG(n=12)及1500IUPMSG(n=5),处理后一周内的排卵率分别为0.0%、83.33%、91.67%及40.0%(P<0.01),从处理到妊娠间隔时间分别为89.1±36.7天、29.8±2且.7天、51.9±25.2天及60.2±29.6天(P<0.01);29头试验母牛又按产后40-60天及产后61-100天分为两组,处理后一周内的排卵率分别为92.9%及66.7%(P>0.05),从处理到妊娠间隔时间分别为50.3±27.0天及38.5±27.0天(P>0.05)。结果表明,PMSG处理卵巢静止母牛具有明显效果,其中以1000IU为最优,处理时间的早晚对处理效果无明显影响。 In this study,41 dairy cows with ovarian quiescence during 40-100 days of postpartum were selected,and divided into four treatment groups: control (n=12), 1000IU PMSG (n=12), 1250IU PMSG (n=12) and 1500IU PMSG (n=5) groups. The ovulation rates of the four groups at 7 days after treatment were 0. 0%,83. 3 %, 91. 7 % and 40. 0 %,respectively, (P<R0. 01) and intervals from treatment to pregnancy were 89. 1±36. 7, 29. 8±21. 7, 51. 9 ±25. 2 days and 60. 2±29. 6 days (P<0. 01),respectively. Meanwhile,some cows (n=29) treated with PMSG (1000-1500IU) were divided into two groups according to time of treatment after parturition i. e. 40~60 days group (n=14) and 61~100 days group (n=15). The ovulation rates of the 40-60 dyas group and the 61-100 days group were 92. 95 % and 66. 7 %,and intervals from treatment to pregnancy were 50. 3±27. 0 and 38. 5±27. 0 days, respectiviy.The results indicated that the treatment of dairy cows with ovarian quiescence with 1000IU PMSG was themost effective treating time had no obvious effect on the results.
出处 《黑龙江动物繁殖》 1994年第2期12-14,共3页 Heilongjiang journal of animal reproduction
关键词 卵巢静止 产犊间隔 PMSG 奶牛. Ovarian quiscence,calving interval, PMSG, dairy cows
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