sing the Chinese version of theWesechler Adult In-tellingence Scale (WAIS) , an anaiysis of the intelligence(IQ) of 60 patients with mental relardution , aged 16 - 46years showed a significant difference between their verbalIQ and their perceplual motor IQ. Their verbol IQ washigher than their porceptual motor IQ : their sequence andspacial abilities were comperatively strong , but their abilityto gain knowledge and understand sppeech were poor.They hnd comparalively. higher scores in digit - span , digitsymbol , objects pieced together . and picture comletion butpoorscores in patterning wooden - pieces , arithmetic , vo-cabulary, and comprehension. The dispersion degree ofperceptual motor IQ or each patient was higher than thatof their verbal IQ.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health