The levels of calcium, magnesium,cop- per,zinc, iron, chromium, nickel, stron- tium, manganese and lead in the hair and blood of fifty cases of leprosy and of fifty healthy control have been determined with atomic absorption pho- tometer, and the results showed that the contents of calcium, copper, zinc, iron and manganese in hair of leprosy pa- tients all are significantly lower than in the controls (p<0.001) and strontium level is higher (p<0.001), but the le- vels of magnesium, chromium, nickel, and lead have no difference between them (p>0.05). The levels of copper, zinc,iron and manganese in the blood of leprosy patients are significantly lower than in controls (p<0.001 ) and chro- mium (p<0.05) strontium and nickel (p <0.01) are higher, but calcium, mag- nesium and lead show no difference be- tween them. The contents of these ele- ments reveal a positive correlation be- tween the hair and the blood. The au- thors consider that further investigation is needed to determine whether the changes of the contents of these elements in the hair of leprosy patients are pathogenetic factors in leprosy or re- sults of the disease. They suggest giv- ing Tibitan patients with leprosy some preparations of zinc, copper,iron and manganese as complementary treatment on a trial basis.
China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases