在盐酸介质中,铬(Ⅵ)与AQAPOH形成可被氯仿萃取的荧光化合物,其λex/λem=295nm/400nm.线性范围为0-1.0μg Cr(Ⅵ)/25ml(水相),检测限为0.7μg/L.除Mn(Ⅶ)外,常见金属离子无干扰,可在数千倍Cr(Ⅲ)存在下测定废水中微量铬(Ⅵ).初步探讨了荧光反应的机理.
The fluorimetric determination of Cr(Ⅵ) with 8-aminoquinoline-5-azo-phenol(AQAPOH) is described. The optimal conditions of the method is investigated, AQAPOH reacting with Cr(Ⅵ) in dilute HC1 medium forms a new compound that can be extracted into CHC13.Extract has intense fluoresence at λex/ λem = 295nm/ 400nm. The fluoresence intensity is proportional to Cr(Ⅵ ) concentration in O-l.0μg/ 25ml in aqueous phase.The detection limit is 0.7ppb.The method has been applied to fluoresence determination of micro amount Cr(Ⅵ) in some substences. The mechanism of fluorescence reaction has been studied.
Arid Environmental Monitoring