After the facts proved PGR-Ⅰ to have Kept the adjuslments of living function for the Areca Nut plants and promoted to the plants argans and bodies to grow, to develope and putted theminto affect, We continued to study PGR-1 furhaving the influeuce of Super-OXide-Enzyme with the second Enzyme in the Areca Nut plants. The test result shows thst PGR-1 makes pereoxidace aclivity of different organs of betel palm plant increa se obviuly, and the size of activity is in proper order of root stalks leaves fruit. The analysing of peroxidace isoenzymes B by polyanylamide pelecteophyresis the process of enzyme dyeing shows the increment in the number of isoeneyme pedigrce, the quantity of enzyme as Well as the activity and distribution of isoenzymicblt band. And the new band is appeared each zone (such as A band inroot. A., A. & C. in stem tip, A_1, A_3, R_3 in leaf).
Natural Science Journal of Hainan University