An experimental study has been made of oxidation kinetics of Ti in molten Cu-Ti alloy under watery atmosphere at 1500℃.The results may be expressed as follows: [Ti]_(Cu)=0.92-0.69t O≤t≤1.0(h) [Ti]_(Cu)=0.02t^2-0.14t+0.35 1.0≤t≤6.0(h) where t is time in hour.The apparent rate and order of reaction are: (-d[Ti]_(Cu))/dt=0.69,pseudo-zeroth order,k=0.69 (-d[Ti]_(Cu))/dt=0.14-0.04t,pseudo-0.85 order,k=0.39 The apparent mass tranfer coefficient is k'=0.16 cm/h,and the relation of W^2 vs time is: W^2=1.04·10^(-4)t
An experimental study has been made of oxidation kinetics of Ti in molten Cu-Ti alloy under watery atmosphere at 1500℃.The results may be expressed as follows: [Ti]_(Cu)=0.92-0.69t O≤t≤1.0(h) [Ti]_(Cu)=0.02t^2-0.14t+0.35 1.0≤t≤6.0(h) where t is time in hour.The apparent rate and order of reaction are: (-d[Ti]_(Cu))/dt=0.69,pseudo-zeroth order,k=0.69 (-d[Ti]_(Cu))/dt=0.14-0.04t,pseudo-0.85 order,k=0.39 The apparent mass tranfer coefficient is k'=0.16 cm/h,and the relation of W^2 vs time is: W^2=1.04·10^(-4)t