The phenotype distribution of human red cell EAP, PGD, ADA and Ak in Shanghaiese was studied using starch gel simultaneous electrophoresis.
Among 537 fresh blood samples, the freqnencies of EAP phenotypes were: EAP B74.3%, EAP BA 21.4%, EAP A 3.9%, EAP CB 0.4%, EAP CA 0% and EAP C 0%. Among 358 fresh blood samples, the freqnencies of ADA phenotypes were: ADA 1-1 83%, ADA 2-1 16%, ADA 2-2 1%. Among 385 fresh blood samples, the freqnencies of PGD phenotypes were: PGD 1-1 78%, PGD 2-1 21%, and PGD 2-2 1%. Among 296 fresh blood samples, the freqnencies of AK phenotypes were: AK 1-1 100%.
This paper described a few improvements compared with conventional method. And we studyed that some blood stain samples could keep how long time under room temperature on 4 isoenzymes.
Journal of Forensic Medicine