During the last phase of burn, remained wound used to occur and may last for a long time, sometimes with general complications difficult to tackle. During the period from January-October, 1988,21 cases of late stage of burn with remained wound, crust ulcers and chronic ulcers wound were treated with the Moist Exposed Burn Therapy with satisfactory results.
The area of remained wound was 2-3% in average, with the greatest area of 6%. The mean time of healing was 1 9.4 days.
Method of wound treatment: 1. Moisten the wound and then apply the Moist Burn Ointment 3-4 times a day; 2.Those granulation with severe edema should be compressed with hypertonic sa-line for 2-3 days and then covered with the Moist Burn Ointment; 3. For crust ulcer, the ointment is applied after debridement and then covered with a layer of paraffin gauze and bandaged. changed twice daily; 4. For chronic ulcers, the wound should be debrided and applied exposure or semi-exposure methods. Apply the paste 3-4 times daily. For severe hypertrophic scar tissue at the joint, when the fissure in the ulcer is rather deep, apply the drug at the superficial portion and then covered with moderatly thick isolated skin flap.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers