Newsletter of Sericultural Science
1Strunnikov V A. Control over reproduction sex and heterosis of the silkworm [ M]. Moscow: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1995 : 165 - 185.
2Astaurov B L. Pathways for the control of the development and activity of the silkworm through thermal effect. In the action of elevated and lowered temperatures on the development of the silkworm [ J ]. Trudy Inst Morf Zhivotn AN SSSR, 1958,21:5 - 38.
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8Orth A P, Doll S C, Goodman W G. Sequence, structure and expression of the hemolymph juvenile hormone binding protein gene in the tobacco bomworm, Manduca sexta [ J ]. Insect Biochem Mol Biol,2003,33 ( 1 ) :93 - 102.
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2陈金娥,杜鑫,徐霞,于少芳,姚陆松,何秀玲,王永强.转录组分析揭示热激诱导家蚕孤雌生殖发生相关的信号通路[J].蚕业科学,2022,48(4):302-311. 被引量:2
1孙洪君.甜樱桃价格高 市场前景好[J].农村百事通,2012(17):29-31. 被引量:1
5吴衍,熊前.提高警用仔犬品质的综合措施研究[J].养犬,2010,0(3):26-28. 被引量:1
6YUTAKA KAWAGVCHI,YUTAKA BANNO,KATSUMI KOGA,HIROSHI DOIRA,李金玉.家蚕小卵突变体(emi)在卵巢发育过程中血淋巴蛋白和卵黄蛋白的变化[J].广东蚕业,1999,0(3):62-62.
7朱芳,杨琳,王忠刚.家禽苏氨酸研究进展[J].广东饲料,2016,25(1):32-35. 被引量:1
9唐突.仔猪断奶饲养管理[J].畜禽业,2011,22(11):26-27. 被引量:1
10陈益填.鸽场种鸽杂交优势的利用技术[J].畜禽业,2001,12(9):39-40. 被引量:1