A model structure formed by the combination of crosslinked, trapped entanglement and carbon black-polymer chain networks has been developed for rubber vulcanizates with carbon black fillers. Based on thisstructure and the proposed mechanism of large deformation, the elastic free
A model structure formed by the combination of crosslinked, trapped entanglement and carbon black- polymer chain networks has been developed for rubber vulcanizates with carbon black fillers. Based on this structure and the proposed mechanism of large deformation, the elastic free energy of deformation for real vulcanizates with carbon black fillers was calculated. A new molecular theory of elasticity for the rubber vulcanizates at large deformation is presented. It was then possible to relate the elastic state to molecular con- stitution by three important quantities (C_(100), C_(020) and C_(200)). The severity of constraints by crosslinks, entanglements and junctions of carbon blacks could thus be characterized with four molecular parameters φ_((?)_(cf)), φ_((?)_(ef)), φ_((?)_c) and φ_((?)_e). Relationships of stress to strain for four types of deformation were derived from this theory respectively.